Monthly Archives: April 2020

Why Business Owners Benefit From Regular Heat Pump Services

As a business owner in Wellington, you know that it’s essential to have a comfortable working environment for your staff. That means providing a cool office in summer, a warm one in winter, and a clean air supply. However, to do that with your commercial heat pumps, they need to be serviced regularly – here’s why: 1) They Need Fewer Repairs  When an appliance or machine that you often use in the workplace malfunctions, you probably groan at the inconvenience. It’s just another thing that the business needs to pay for, which you probably could do without amongst salaries and other expenses that need attention. However, when a heat pump … Read More

Three Air Conditioning Myths You Need To Ignore

Our Wellington-based air conditioning technicians are asked questions daily which pertain to one myth or another and typically they hold no truth at all. We take a look at the myths vs reality and why you should always seek the advice an experienced professional. Myth #1: You Don’t Need To Clean The Fins And Coils  Inside the inner workings of an air conditioner, the coils and fins allow heat to pass from the refrigerant into the air. They’re part of the evaporator, which also moves heat back and forth. However, when the fins and coils are covered in dust, it’s difficult for the heat to be transferred. Excess dirt inside … Read More

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