Monthly Archives: March 2022

Tips to stay warm in autumn

Sadly summer is ended as it opens the door to the cooler months of autumn and winter. Every year when Autumn comes, we start to think about home heating solutions. Environmental impacts and rising energy prices make finding a way to keep your home warm during the colder months challenging. Keeping your home warm and avoiding health problems can be more difficult in Christchurch and most of New Zealand than in other parts of the world. Much of the cold work is lost due to insufficient or insufficient insulation and ventilation. You don’t need the most expensive, high-quality heat pump in your home to feel warm. There are some simple … Read More

Heat pumps in summer vs winter

A heat pump is a versatile piece of technology that can make a difference to your home no matter what time of year or time of day. They can heat your home in the colder months and cool your home in the warmer months. Here’s how: Warming your home Heat pumps work to transfer heat from one place to another. In winter, the heat pump absorbs heat from the outdoor air and brings it inside to warm your home. Despite winter air being cold, there is always heat to be salvaged and this is used by the system to blow hot air into your home, raising the temperature of your … Read More

Maintaining a healthy home

There are three basic elements of maintaining a healthy home: heating, ventilation and insulation. Unfortunately, most houses don’t boast all three, especially in New Zealand. Trying to heat a typical New Zealand house in winter is difficult as wooden houses lack insulation and central heating. For this reason, winter isn’t good for your comfort or your pockets. That’s why we’ve put together a guide for keeping a healthy home. Do you know the importance of ventilation? It’s important to open doors and windows throughout the house, even when it is cold. Allowing the wind to blow into your home is important to prevent moisture build-up, which in turn can lead … Read More

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