Like you, we’re looking forward to a long, hot and fun-filled summer. But there will be some days when things will get uncomfortably hot and our air conditioning solutions will be called on to keep you cool. Of course, if you haven’t got air conditioning in Auckland or Wellington, now is the time to get in touch and get it installed.
When you do get yourself sorted with our air conditioning solutions, like our world-class heat pumps, then we have a few tips on how to make it work even better and keep you cooler. For a start, on hot days, you should keep your doors and windows closed. This might sound counterintuitive but hear us out. If you know you’re in for a boiling hot day the next day, you should keep your windows open at night, if it is safe to do so. This will circulate cooler air through your home. The next day close your windows and doors before it starts to heat up and this will trap all that cooler air inside.
The same principle applies to blinds and curtains. This too will help to keep cooler air inside your home and you won’t have to run your air conditioning system all day. These steps will reduce your energy costs and your air conditioner will run more effectively. But there are other handy ways to maintain a lower temperature in your home this summer. For example, did you know that old-fashioned incandescent lighting wastes about 90% of energy as heat? That is a lot of heat wafting around your home when you turn the lights on – so consider swapping these for energy-saving LED bulbs that generate much less heat. Kitchen appliances like ovens are another source of unwanted heat in summer. So do more of your everyday cooking outside on your BBQ or portable stove in summer, and your home will feel so much more comfortable for it.
These tips will allow your heat pump or air conditioner to work at its very best. It will become even more effective and energy-efficient, leading to significant reductions in your energy bill and a much cooler home. If you already have air conditioning, we recommend you contact us to book a service and ensure it is working at its best this summer. And if you need a new heat pump or any other air conditioning solution for your home or business – you can contact us as well!