We are one of the leading suppliers and installers of heat pumps in NZ. When you come to us for a heat pump you know you’ll live in a home that is warmer in winter and cooler in summer. Thanks to our brilliant products, expert installation and ongoing maintenance, you’ll enjoy all of those benefits for many years to come.
When you install a heat pump, you’ll also live in a home that is drier and as far as your family’s health is concerned, that is vitally important. Cold homes are damp homes and research has proven that excessive interior moisture is hazardous to the health of everyone residing in that place. Respiratory problems like asthma, allergies, chronic coughs and even heart problems are some of the conditions connected with damp homes. Most of the time, they’re not caused by the moisture but by the things moisture helps to grow, and that includes mould and mildew.
It’s worse in winter when the air is colder and there is insufficient heating in the home. The World Health Organisation recommends a room temperature of at least 18 degrees Celsius in winter, but most Kiwi homes fall well below that. Average temperatures get as low as 16 degrees Celsius, or even lower, and when they get to that mark, homes become very damp. The signs of excessive moisture are well known: condensation on the windows, mildew on the bathroom walls and ceiling, mould building up on surfaces in the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom closets, and even peeling paint on interior walls.
Other sources of moisture can include plants, stored firewood, gas appliances, plumbing leaks and even water seeping through basement floors. All of these things combine to create damp conditions in your home, and that is why constant coughs, colds, sniffles and allergic reactions occur. The key is to make your home less damp, and we can help you achieve that.
Contact us and enquire about our heat pumps. We often have special deals to save you money on your initial purchase. And because heat pumps are so efficient, they’re cheaper to run and much more effective than any other heat source. The heat they provide in winter will dry out the air and make your home a much healthier place. But there are other things you can do to keep your home dry. Ventilation is important so on a fine winter’s day, open doors and windows and let the house breathe! When it cools down, that’s time to switch on the heat pump and keep things warm and dry.