Improving Your Energy Efficiency With An Eco-Conscious Heat Pump

As climate change progresses and worsens around the world, many homeowners are seeking ways to cut down on their energy bills while ensuring that they are not increasing their carbon footprint with their homes. However, many are still under the assumption that alternative power sources and equipment that are more environmentally-friendly, are actually extremely expensive. But this needn’t be the case, especially with an eco-conscious home heat pump installation which has several advantages. Besides being able to provide heating and cooling, they also improve air quality that is advantageous to your family’s health.

Benefits of This Heat Pump

The benefits of this heat pump come in the way it operates to distribute heat. It does not create heat. Instead, it’s dependent on the compressed gas that creates the heat. This gas is converted into liquid and then back again, creating consistent temperatures with minimal fluctuations. And this uses less energy to process and distribute heating and cooling throughout your home.

Carbon Footprint Reduced

Although powered by electricity in New Zealand, there are plenty of renewable sources of electricity that make a heat pump a more sustainable choice. In addition, a heat pump does not actually emit emissions into the air, thus reducing your carbon footprint instantly.

Minimal Electricity Usage

Furthermore, only a small amount of electricity is needed to run the compressor as opposed to other systems. Even if you still aren’t convinced about the installation of a heat pump in your home, the numerous cost-savings you will receive are reason enough. Installation is initially higher, but a heat pump is cheaper over time than other heating or cooling systems because of how it works. In addition to that, it is an excellent add-on to your home and increases its value – which will be beneficial to you as a property owner.

There has always been and probably always will be the other misconception that homeowners have, which is that implementing eco-conscious systems into their homes will not make much of a difference in terms of carbon footprint. We hope with this article we can help you understand why we advocate for residential heat pump installations and why we believe they can contribute to improving the planet.

Let’s Reduce Your Carbon Footprint Together, Contact Us

At Fonko, we install, service and maintain different heating and cooling systems to make your home more energy-efficient. We also assist with advising on green solutions to make your home more eco-conscious and sustainable. Contact us to learn more about our product offering as well as more information on reducing your carbon footprint in your home with alternative power sources – give us a call today.

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